Sunday, April 22, 2012

Revamping the blog!


Remember that time I started a blog, then stopped, then started again - right now? Yup, that's me. I got a case of the ol' writer's block, which I thought I could solve by posting random responses to the McSweeney's writing prompts. Nope nope, that only frustrated me more 'cuz it strayed in a direction I wanted to avoid, which is to say: Serious Literature Writing. I also realized that I didn't really have a coherent focus in the blog as a whole. The most successful blogs focus on one thing, like cooking or some shit. Well, I racked my brain and realized I don't know a single thing about cooking aside from boiling water. There is only so much to be said about making cold water hot, so I knew I had to think of something different...

After many moons, I decided to write about something I'm fiercely, dearly passionate about: Youtube music videos! There are some seriously amazing unsigned artists out there, so I wanna give 'em some press.

Without further adieu, I present to you Onelastpiano, aka Johnnie Shaneyfelt and Dollie90, aka Haley Barnes, aka Ancient Cat Society

Johnnie Shaneyfelt:
One afternoon when I was sick with a cold and a bad case of boredom, I passed the time by listening to cover songs on Youtube. My growing jealousy of other people's musical talents helped to soothe my running nose and aching head.

Then, I discovered Mr. Shaneyfelt's cover of "No One" by Alicia Keys. Now, Alicia Keys has a voice like smooth butter and it would be nearly impossible to out-sing her soulful tune - but, I feel this rendition might do just that. Johnnie Shaneyfelt, with a messy mop of brown hair and that hipster beard, channels John Mayer, Iron and Wine, and the sound of liquid gold to produce this heart-breakingly good cover. Check it:

Be sure to check out the rest of his videos, particularly his original song "Life Preserver" which features some damn good guitar chops. Unfortunately for all of us, he hasn't uploaded any new recordings in a couple years, though he did just recently update with some of his old videos. Nevertheless, he was definitely the first person that came to mind when I decided to review Youtube musicians.

Haley Barnes and Ancient Cat Society
I first discovered Haley Barnes when I did my usual Youtube search of Beirut cover songs. That search is generally a great (if not pretentious) starting point for finding decent indie covers. Otherwise, if you search general covers, you end up with those over-produced videos that make me think of future versions of Toddlers and Tiaras.

ANYWAY, I was totally sold on Haley Barnes when I found her original song called "Mississippi". She has a super unique voice that defies comparison. Further searches into her videos reveal some awesome covers of Beirut (duh), Elliott Smith, and Dead Cab for Cutie, as well as many other indie rock faves - but her original creations show her talents the best.

Don't forget to give Haley's songs from her folksy outfit "Ancient Cat Society" a listen. With the addition of a few gentlemen to Barnes' bird-like voice, Ancient Cat Society boasts the best band name ever AND a truly great sound.

Secret confession: an actual ancient cat society sounds like my kinda people!

So, a change in blogging focus is a good thing. I want to keep writing and my mom says I'm good at it - which means I should keep chugging. If my mom thinks I'm cool, then I totally must be doing something right!

Stay tuned for the next post, in which I review Alain de Courtenay, who makes my heart skip a beat with his covers of Regina Spektor and the Postal Service. Let me know if you have suggestions for others!

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